International Public Business College Mitrovica organized an info session on 24 April 2024 to inform our academic staff about an Erasmus+ VirtuEU project that aims to create solid networking and collaborative opportunities among the Western Balkans and EU higher education institutions.

Date: 24 April 2024
Time: 12:00h
Location: Mitrovica, IBCM, Riverside campus

About the VirtuEU Project

VirtuEU is an Erasmus+ project that focuses on virtual exchanges to empower active citizens across partner HEIs.

The primary goal of VirtuEU is to overcome cultural gaps and encourage active global citizenship through virtual exchanges, promotion of intercultural dialogue and digital literacy and collaborations between participants from different cultural backgrounds to develop mutual understanding and respect.

IBCM invited all of its academic staff to this informative session to learn more about the VirtuEU project and explore how they can participate in this initiative.