IBC-M receives its International Re-accreditation

It is with please that we announce that the IBC-M has successfully been re-accredited by the German Accreditation Agency “Evaluationsagentur Baden-Wuerttemberg” EVALAG. The re-accreditation that has been provided by Evalag will be valid until the the 31st of December, 2022. The re-accreditation by Evalag includes: The International Business College Mitrovica Institutional Accreditation Marketing and Management…

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From IBC-M to Denmark: Aleksandra, Albin and Nenad Exchange to Lillebaelt

How does spending a semester as exchange student on Denmark sound? We talked to Aleksandra, Albin and Nenad to hear their perspective and experience on their Erasmus+ exchange. The three students of our International Marketing and Sales programme at IBC-M are spending this semester in Denmark as exchange students at IBC-M’s partner Lillebaelt, one of…

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Workshop and study visits under Erasmus + Capacity Building project ‘Creating Theory to Practice Centers for Innovation and Employment/ CTPCIE ‘

From the 26th to 28th September, IBC-M and its partners under Erasmus + Capacity Building Project “Creating Theory to Practice Centers for Innovation and Employment”( CTPCIE) were visiting its Bulgarian partner, the University of National and World Economy (UNWE). Within the Agenda, partners visited  Sofia TechPark. Sofia Tech Park JSC was founded in early June…

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IBC-M student exchange to Lithuania: Damir Haljilji story

Damir, Marketing and Management student here at IBC-M, is finishing his fifth semester at VIKO VVF – Vilnaus Kolegijos Verslo Vadybos Fakultetas in Lithuania.  To learn everything about Damir’s experience, his thoughts and perspectives on this exchange, we conducted a short interview. You can check his story below. #Inafewwords Lithuania in a few words? Damir:…

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IBC-M attending workshops with North West Regional College (NWRC) in UK

This week IBC-M and its partners within the project: Creating Theory to Practice Centers for Innovation and Employment CTPCIE (Project Number: 586347-EPP-1-2017-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2017-3485/001-001) are attending workshops with North West Regional College (NWRC) in Derry/UK. The activities of the workshop are to discuss baseline study results as well as to work on Theory to Practice concept…

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First IBC-M Scholarship Winners Announced

International Business College Mitrovica is delighted to announce that we have awarded our first four full scholarships for the 2018/19 academic year. The scholarships have been awarded based on the performance in the IBC-M entry exam. These students gained outstanding results and we are sure they will continue to excel during their time here at…

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