The French Embassy pays a visit to IBC-M

International Business College Mitrovica welcomed Mr. Joseph Giustiniani, representative of Ambassade de France au Kosovo – French Embassy in Kosovo, and Prof. Dr. Stephane Badet, coordinator for international relations from Université de Bordeaux, France. IBC-M’s director, Ms. Mihone Kerolli, gave our guests a tour around the Riverside campus and informed them about IBC-M. Prof. Dr….

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Professor Aleksandar visits UCL

During the period from 24th – 29th March, IBC-M staff member, Professor Aleksandar Djikic participated in ERASMUS+ teacher mobility by spending a week at IBC-M’s partner institution, UCL – University College Lillebaelt located in Odense, Denmark. It was a very fruitful visit as a combination of delivering lecturers to Danish and international students, meetings with…

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UN Kosovo Team visits IBC-M

UN Kosovo Team visited International Business College Mitrovica in the Riverside Campus. Ms. Ulrika Richardson-the UN Development Coordinator, and UNDP Resident Representative-an articulate, charismatic and friendly woman, informed IBC-M students about the UN objectives and common development plan. Additionally, she talked about human rights and more specifically about women’s rights. She turned the spotlight in…

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IBC-M Lecturer presented as a Guest lecturer at UCL in Denmark

From 25-29 March 2019, IBC-M lecturer of European Studies, Dukagjin Abdyli (Dr. Iur. Candidate) visited the UCL College in Odense/Denmark in the capacity of Visiting Lecturer. The mobility was organized as part of the Erasmus+ exchange mobilities under International Credit Mobility Project, KA1 component. The visit was organized within the Department of Public Administration and…

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IBC-M visits the Medical high-school and meets the SRC presidents of the Medical and Gymnasium High-schools in Mitrovica

Today we had the great pleasure to visit the Student Representative Councils Presidents of the Gymnasium “Frang Bardhi”-Mitrovicë and Medical high-school (SHMLM “Dr.Xheladin Deda” ). During these meetings, we had the chance to meet the young and bright leaders of the students, talk about the opportunities that IBC-M offers. During our visit, we had the…

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Start-Up Call For IBC-M Students

The IBC-M Business Development Department/ T2P launches its first call in search of student’s startup ideas in the early growth stage. Qualified IBC-M staff members will mentor the most innovative startup ideas. Young entrepreneurs will receive support in many aspects, such as: Professional advice Facility Equipment (laptops, printer, other relevant items) The start-ups will go…

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Guest Lectures from Denmark, Bulgaria and Lithuania in IBC-M

Day 1&2 Three professors and an assistant from University College Lillebaelt (UCL) of Denmark graced International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) with their presence. Today’s topic was Green energy in Denmark and Kosovo. The professors talked about Denmark, specifically Danish sustainable agriculture and renewable energy sources, higher education institutions and their degrees. Additionally, UCL professors expressed…

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Interactive Environmental Protection Lecture

On Saturday, 30th March, IBC-M in cooperation with Youth Educational Club ‘’Synergy’’ organised recreational walk and open environmental protection lecture in the nature! During this event, recreational walk from Mitrovica North to Zvecan Fortress was realized for all participants which was followed by an interactive environmental protection lecture conducted by IBC-M professor at Zvecan Fortress….

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Rondine Cittadella della Pace visits IBC-M

Today International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) welcomed representatives from Rondine Cittadella della Pace, an Italian organization committed to reducing conflicts around the world through specific methods of conflict transformation. The representatives held a meeting with the staff and visited the Riverside campus. Following up with a presentation, they informed the alumni about the organization, its…

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