ROAMING Training in Podgorica

ROAMING consortium members have gathered at the Mediterranean University of Podgorica for the 5th training and study visit. The two-day training has been organized on the 13th and 14th of June, focusing on the training of IRO Heads and academic staff on the mobility for internships/apprenticeships, and training of the students on the E+ Buddy system,…

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MAGNET Second General Meeting

IBC-M hosted the MAGNET Second General Meeting on the 31st of May and 1st of June 2024. During this gathering, partners delved into the significant progress made by MAGNET thus far. Key topics of focus include the updates on MOOC development within partner higher education institutions. Partners also dedicated time to monitor the progress achieved in the project’s…

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Vacancy Announcement

13.06.2024 Kolegji Ndërkombëtar Publik i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpall gjashtë (6) pozita akademike. Për informacion shtesë ju lutemi klikoni në linkun e mëposhtëm: Gjashtë (6) pozita akademike(Alb/Srb) Međunarodni Javni Poslovni Koledž Mitrovica (IBCM) raspisuje konkurs za šest (6) slobodnih mesta u oblasti akademske nastave. Za dodatne informacije posetite sledeći link: Šest (6) pozicija u…

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Vacancy announcement

Kolegjit Publik Ndërkombëtar i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpallë  gjashtë (6) pozita administrative. Për informata shtesë ju lutem klikoni në linqet në vijim:   Zyrtar çertifikues Udhëheqes i Divizionit për Komunikim dhe Marëdhënie me Publikun Zyrtar i Lartë për zotimin e mjeteve buxhetore Zyrtar i Lartë për të hyra dhe shpenzime Sekretar i Përgjithshëm i Kolegjit…

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Call for External Experts

Please take note of the following information regarding the “Improving University Quality Assurance Resilient Strategies Toward Excellence QA-SURE” project: Project Number: 101129398 – ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-1 Position: External Quality Expert Timing and Duration: The project is expected to be completed by November 2025. Opening date to apply: May 10th, 2024. All applicants are invited to address potential…

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The final result of the selection process for the position of Teacher or Lecturer for group subjects in the field of Informatics, Programming, and Communication

This is to inform you about the final result of the selection process for the position of Teacher or Lecturer for group subjects in the field of Informatics, Programming, and Communication at the Public College International Business Mitrovica (IBC-M). This result is based on the performance of all candidates who appeared and submitted to the…

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Innovative Education Methodologies Combining Methods From Humanities and ICT – Homo Digitalis project, Training at Polis University – Tirana

Prof. Ass. Bujar Gallopeni, Vice-Rector for Academic and Quality Affairs, and Prof. Ass. Florim Gallopeni participated in a two-day training in “Innovative education methodologies combining methods from humanities and ICT” organized at the Polis University in Tirana, in the framework of the Erasmus+ funded project “Bridging the Digital Humanities and Educational Media Divide in the…

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ERASMUS+ via Al4Life grants equipment for co-working space at IBCM

The Al4Life project is focused on improving competency-based education and innovation to boost growth and competitiveness, engaging alumni in the teaching process and modernising learning objectives of students and universities in the Western Balkan. Partner universities are mandated to provide a co-working space to support alumni-related activities. As part of the Al4Life project, IBCM has…

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IBCM Hosts Info Session on Erasmus+ VirtuEU Project

International Public Business College Mitrovica organized an info session on 24 April 2024 to inform our academic staff about an Erasmus+ VirtuEU project that aims to create solid networking and collaborative opportunities among the Western Balkans and EU higher education institutions. Date: 24 April 2024 Time: 12:00h Location: Mitrovica, IBCM, Riverside campus About the VirtuEU…

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ReZEB 2nd Project Meeting at eCampus University in Rome

Starting from April 15th, the Second Consortium meeting of the reZEB Project at University eCampus in Rome is still ongoing! The days are filled with engaging presentations and discussions covering various essential aspects of the project, ranging from project management and finances to administrative strategies. The comprehensive overviews on modules provided a clear understanding of…

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