The Panel disccusion “Skills for the Future”

The panel discussion “Skills for the Future” held on May 10 at the European House in North Mitrovica, outlined how EU-supported skills, education, and training can contribute to a rise in competencies for youth and how to access them, and brought together experts who work on raising young people’s capacities. Ms. Anakarin Platon, head of…

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ENACT Info Session (Jean Monnete Module)

An Info session was organized for all high school students who are interested in IBC-M study programs. The presentation was led by the Academic director of IBC-M, Ph.D. Jelena Đokić, who focussed on environmental protection as part of her expertise, presenting also the ERASMUS + Jean Monet project and talked about the challenges related to…

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Second dissemination event QUADIC

The Second QUADIC dissemination event was organized at The University of Shkoder in Shkoder (Albania) from 9th – 13th May. The main purpose of this event was to present achievements made during 3 years of project implementation. IBC-M was present with 3 staff members who participated in the event. The consortium shared tangible results and introduced…

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Vacancy Announcement – International Experts (STAND)

Strengthening University Autonomy and Increasing Accountability and Transparency in Western Balkans Universities – STAND Project is hiring six (6) International Experts from EU Countries. About the project: The concept entails investing in strengthening the mechanisms that ensure the long-term sustainability of university autonomy, transparency and accountability. The project foresees cooperation between HEIs in the WB…

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Students’ Conference in Tirana -“Green Transition in Albania, the Road to Sustainability”

On 27 and 28 April, IBC-M Jean Monnet Professor and College Director Dr. Mihone Kerolli Mustafa accompanied by Project Management Department staff Mr. Damir Gashi and Ms. Gresa Ferri together with students from EAM and ISM were part of Earth Week activities at POLIS University in Albania. The first day was dedicated to the Environmental…

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Exchange Visit from Peloponnese University

Under the umbrella of The International Mobility Project (ICM), IBC-M was pleased to host Professor Dimitrios P. Petropoulos from the University of Peloponnese (Greece) during the week  3rd – 7th April. Professor Petropoulos is a Dean of the School of Agriculture and Food Science at the University of Peloponnese. His visit to IBC-M was part of…

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Call for expert – Vacancy Announcement

  LOGOS University College from Tirana, in the quality of Coordinator of the ERASMUS+ CBHE ROAMING Project No. 101083070 is accepting applications to fill a vacancy of a Quality Assessment Auditor of the project. The auditor’s tasks include assessment of and consultation on the quality of the project’s implementation, using a variety of formative and…

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QUADIC Dissemniation Event

As a continuation of project activities implemented under the framework of the QUADIC project, a dissemination event was held at The University of Applied Science in Ferizaj. During the 3-days event, each participating institution within the QUADIC consortium had a chance to present the achievements made in their respective universities and show to the audience…

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QUADIC Training and Workshop

The consortium of QUADIC project was hosted by The University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani” (UGJFA) in Gjakova . Workshops, project meetings, and presentations were organized during 3 training days at the end of March. UGJFA is a leader in the quality assurance working package in QUADIC project and the main purpose of this visit was to finalize…

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Vacancy Announcement

  Vacancy Announcement International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) invites all interested applicants for the positions of: Legal Officer Financial Officer Procurement Officer The deadline for submitting the applications for all three positions is 03.05.2023. All interested applicants, please click the links below for more details: Legal Officer  Financial Officer Procurement Officer

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